I relate to this on so many levels. Thanks for putting my feelings into words (and lindamente!)

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Amiga! ❤️

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Jun 3Liked by juliana, phd

Happy belated birthday!

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Thank you, Courtney!

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Jun 4Liked by juliana, phd

Happy belated birthday! I hope it was beautiful and offered a door into a wonderful summer. You're not alone in allergy suffering, but indeed, aren't the flowers and greens all around beautiful?

Your description of The Illiterate makes me want to read it so badly. (In my experience, the Swiss are not an encouraging people to learn a language amongst so I am doubly curious, as somebody who felt extremely stymied in my attempts while living there.)

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Thank you, it was a lovely day to be outside, not too hot but definitely sunny! And included a walk by the park!

I am very sorry to hear about your negative language-learning experience, and I hope you'll find Kristóf's book an interesting read! Oh, and that Brazilians have been more welcoming and nice to you than that!

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