I have to admit (somewhat shamefaced) that I am a serial non-finisher...I used to be a finish-it-no-matter-what in my youth, so I'm putting it down to getting more selective with my time as I get older! 😀

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Serial non-finisher here!

I started a book club and now I have abandoned my readers. It's kinda hilarious that am not feeling guilty about it.

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😄 that's hilarious! It's probably something I would end up doing...

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I am going to apologize tonight for leaving the *book* in lurch, ha ha

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This is a guilt-free space, even of not feeling guilt!

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That's so interesting, Kate! I truly believe that it's only natural and healthy to change the way we go about certain things in life and I would not put it past me changing this habit sometime down the line!

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I can't remember the last time I DNF'd a book. Similarly I commit. Perhaps I commit too much, because I just keep going and if I do not like it but need to finish, I will read it more so I can be done. I actually, upon reflection, don't know if this is healthy in a hobby, but tis how I do things.

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I have definitely "devoured" books just for the sake of being done with them faster so I can move to hopefully better reads! I too don't know if it's the right way to approach things like reading for fun, but there's where I'm at now!

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Jun 24Liked by juliana, phd

Thanks for sharing this and probing at the book responses that go beyond like/dislike. I can think of quite a few books where I didn’t enjoy the (emotional) experience of reading the book (the experience felt like work, it wasn’t absorbing in the way I desired, etc) but I was glad in the end to have read it, it satisfied the intellectual interest I had in picking it up - love how you articulated the distinction between these types of reading.

And sometimes books I think I’ll enjoy for an emotional reason I end up only appreciating intellectually, and books I pick up out of intellectual curiosity propel me into an emotional reading experience! You never know!

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Thank you for your comment, Catherine! I truly believe that, just like there are different readers, there are different reading modes that each one of us reach for depending on the book--and sometimes they do get confused along the way, or suddenly you realize you need the one when you activated the other!

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This voiced my own philosophy that I before now had not put into words! Wonderful, thank you.

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This porousness been like and dislike is also why I’ve abandoned and generally dislike the 5-star review scale.

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I am truly glad to know that my feelings have resonated with other readers! The nuances, the strangeness, the difficult-to-describe are some of the best experiences we can sit with as readers, I believe, and these don't fit well into neat star boxes!

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